Complexity theory and organizations
1. "Complexity theory has been used extensively in the field of strategic management and organizational studies. It is used in these domains for understanding how organizations or firms adapt to their environments. The theory treats organizations and firms as collections of strategies and structures. When the organization or firm shares the properties of other complex adaptive systems – which is often defined as consisting of a small number of relatively simple and partially connected structures – they are more likely to adapt to their environment and, thus, survive. Complexity-theoretic thinking has been present in strategy and organizational studies since their inception as academic disciplines.
Complex adaptive systems (CAS) are contrasted with ordered and chaotic systems by the relationship that exists between the system and the agents which act within it. In an ordered system the level of constraint means that all agent behaviour is limited to the rules of the system. In a chaotic system the agents are unconstrained and susceptible to statistical and other analysis. In a CAS, the system and the agents co-evolve; the system lightly constrains agent behaviour, but the agents modify the system by their interaction with it."
- Inception: El comienzo de algo.
The beginning of something, such as an undertaking; a commencement.
Abreviatura: n. Palabra de Contenido
- Chaotic: Perteneciente a un sistema dinámico que posee una dependencia sensible de sus condiciones iniciales.
Abreviatura: adj.
Palabra de Contenido
- Constraint : estar restringido o confinado a unos límites prescritos.
Abreviatura: n.
Palabra de Contenido
2. Idea principal: "Complexity theory has been used extensively in the field of strategic management and organizational studies. "
Contenido del texto: El texto explica la aplicación extendida de la Teoría de la Complejidad en el campo de la gerencia y los estudios organizacionales. Dicha teoría considera a las organizaciones como sistemas adaptativos complejos cuyas propiedades deben ser compartidas con el resto de los sistemas a fin de incrementar sus posibilidades de sobrevivir.
3. Categorias lexicales:
Palabras de contenido: Theory, field
Palabras de Función: of , as
Sustantivos: organizations, systems
Verbos: used, adapt
Adverbio: extensively, partially
Adjetivo: strategic, complex
Artículo: The, an
Preposiciones: For, by
Conjunción: and, or,
Cognados verdaderos: organizational, simple
Cognados Falsos: firms
Sufijo: understanding, extensively
Prefijos: constraint, unconstrained
B. Estructura de la oracion:
Primera Oración: "Complexity theory has been used extensively in the field of strategic management and organizational studies."
Frase Nominal: Complexity theory
Núcleo de la frase Nominal : "Theory"
Premodificador: Complexity
Frase Verbal: "has been used extensively in the field of strategic management and organizational studies."
Núcleo de la Frase verbal: "Has been used"
Tiempo Verbal: Voz Pasiva- Presente perfecto progresivo
Segunda Oración: "The theory treats organizations and firms as collections of strategies and structures."
Frase Nominal: The theory
Núcleo de la frase Nominal : "Theory"
Premodificador: The
Frase Verbal: "treats organizations and firms as collections of strategies and structures."
Núcleo de la Frase verbal: treats
Tiempo Verbal: Presente Simple (tercera persona)
Referenciales: It, which, they,
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