Sobre Antonio....

Soy un psicólogo con vocación de docente, trabajo en la Universidad del Zulia como Analista Especialista de RRHH. Tambíen soy el co-pastor de la Iglesia Evangélica Casa de Oración. He trabajado como docente en las universidades Cecilio Acosta y Valle del Momboy.

En este blog comparto reflexiones producto de la cátedra de Inglés Instrumental en el marco de mis estudios doctorales.

Mi Twitter es @antoniojcordero

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

homework: técnicas de lectura, predicción, deducción, scanning y skimming

Can Evolution be the source of life in all its complexity?

One need only look carefully at any living creature to gain some concept of their enormous complexity. If you have a pet, consider the complexities that must be involved enabling that “package of matter” to move about, play, remember, show signs of affection, eat, and reproduce!

If that is not enough to boggle your mind, imagine being given the task of constructing a similar living pet from carbon, calcium, hydrogen, oxygen, etc. the animal's basic constituent parts.

If you have ever held a beloved pet in your hands, completely limp and dead, you may have some comprehension of the helplessness of even the most intelligent and sophisticated scientist when it comes to the overwhelming problem of trying to create life.

In contrast, the natural world does not have the advantages people bring to the problem. In nature, there are only matter, energy, time, chance and the physical laws no guiding force, no purpose, and no goal.

Yet, even with all of modern man's accumulated knowledge, advanced tools, and experience, we are still absolutely overwhelmed at the complexities. This is despite the fact that we are certainly not starting from absolute zero in this problem, for there are millions of actual living examples of life to scrutinize.

Predicción, deducción y skimming
  • ¿Cual es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Posibles dudas acerca de la teoría de la evolución para explicar la existencia de los seres vivos

  • Idea general del texto
La vida es muy compleja para poder ser producto de la evolución

  • Palabras que se repiten
Life/living, complexity
  • Palabras que se parecen al español
Concept, reproduce, animal, calcium, hydrogen, intelligent
  • Palabras en negritas, títulos, subtítulos o gráficos.

"Can Evolution be the source of life in all its complexity?"

Imagen del perro (ilustra un ser vivo)

  • ¿De qué trata el texto?
La vida es muy compleja y el ser humano a pesar de todo su conocimiento sigue asombrado de ella.


Viktor Frankl

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Viktor Emil Frankl M.D., Ph.D. (March 26, 1905, Leopoldstadt, Vienna[1][Full citation needed] – September 2, 1997, Vienna) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor. Frankl was the founder of logotherapy, which is a form of Existential Analysis, the "Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy". His best-selling book, Man's Search for Meaning (published under a different title in 1959: From Death-Camp to Existentialism, and originally published in 1946 as trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager), chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate based on his psychotherapeutic method of finding meaning in all forms of existence, even the most sordid ones, and thus a reason to continue living. Frankl was one of the key figures in existential therapy and a prominent source of inspiration for humanistic psychologists.
 Prisoner, therapist
On September 25, 1942 he, along with his wife and his parents, was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp. There Frankl worked as a general practitioner in a clinic until his skill in psychiatry was noticed, when he was asked to establish a special unit to help newcomers to the camp overcome shock and grief. He later set up a suicide watch unit,[4] and all intimations of suicide were reported to him. To maintain his own feeling of being worthy of his sufferings in the dismal conditions, he would frequently march outside and deliver a lecture to an imaginary audience about "Psychotherapeutic Experiences in a Concentration Camp". He believed that by fully experiencing the suffering objectively, he would thereby end it.[5]

  1. Fecha de Nacimiento: 26 de Marzo de 1905
  2. Profesión: Psicólogo y Neurólogo
  3. Nacionalidad: Austriaca
  4. Principal logro: Fundó la Logoterapia


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